Impact Climate Innovation Conference

Accelerating Partnerships for a Net Zero Future

23-25 October 2024 Haikou, China

100 +
Impact Speakers
700 +
Professional Delegates
0 +
Impact Partners
0 million
Brand Exposure



Impact Insights

*From previous speakers

Impact Speakers

Liu Pingzhi

The then Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial Government

Lu Shize

Deputy Director-General, Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology & Environment

Siddharth chatterjee

United Nations Resident Coordinator in China

He Kebin

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering

Dean, Institute for Carbon Neutrality, Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

Li Wenxue

General Secretary of the CPC Branch & Vice President, LONGi

Mao Dongli

Party Secretary & Director, Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province

Zhang Yujun

Director, Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Erik Solheim

Well-known International leader on Environment and development

Adviser to governments and International organizations

Former Executive Director, United Nations

Zhang Zhengwei

Special Advisor to the Chair, the International Sustainability Standard Board & Director, Beijing Office, ISSB

Lu Xuedu

Former Lead Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank

Former Deputy Director General, National Climate Center

Jiang Yi

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering

Director, Building Energy Conservation Research Center, Tsinghua University

Jan Clysner

Vice President, Sustainability and Procurement, Budweiser APAC

Zhou Dadi

Senior Researcher and Director General Emeritus, the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission of China

Former Executive Vice President, Board of Directors of the China Energy Research Society

Violante di Canossa

Development Economist and Head of Research and Policy Team, UNDP China

Xu Hao

Vice President, Sustainable Social Value Department of Tencent

Cui Kai

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering

Honorary President & Chief Architect, China Architecture Design & Research Group (CADG)

Chai Qimin

Professor & Director for Strategy and Planning, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Vice Chairman and Secretary General, Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Committee, Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences

Anthony Coles

Chair, Net Zero Working Group, Australian China Business Council

Zhao Chunjiang

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Director of National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture

Zhou Xueshuang

Party Member & Chief Engineer, Department of Ecology and Environment of Hainan Province

Kevin Chen

Chair Professor, Zhejiang University

International Dean, China Academy of Rural Development

Head, Global Low Carbon Food System Research Project, CGIAR

Dimitri de Boer

Chief Representative, China, ClientEarth

Rebecca Mikula-Wright

CEO, Investor Group on Climate Change (Aus/NZ) and Asia Investor Group on Climate Change

Zhang Xin

Chief Economist & Member of the Party Committee, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), Ministry of Ecology & Environment

Climate Innovation Gathering before COP 29

Addressing climate change is a pressing issue and common challenge facing the world. COP 28 has reached consensus on a number of issues such as the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement, just transitions, adaptation, and loss and damage funds. The overall situation of global warming is no longer optimistic, and the world needs more ambitious solutions and practical actions.

As a climate gathering held before COP 29, responding to the call, the 2024 Impact Climate Innovation Conference is going to focus on the theme of “Accelerating Partnerships for a Net Zero Future” and advocate that more stakeholders join climate action.

We hope to foster more diversified, cross-boundary and deep-seated partnerships, stimulate more dynamic climate actions, and accelerate the process of green and low-carbon transition and global emission reduction.

Your participation will enable us to jointly open an innovative chapter in climate integration, and we look forward to having you with us at this remarkable moment.

the Founding Team

Explore More in 3 Days

Impact Insights

Opening Ceremony

2 Keynote Forums

Ability Enhancement

 12 Sub-forums

2 Plenary Sessions

Field Trip

explore more about 

Hainan Freen Trade Port

Deep Engagement

4 in-depth social

4 Engagement Activities

Mind Reset Workshop

“Old Papa Tea”

in Carbon Sphere

Old Papa Tea about

Net Zero

Young Rural
Entrepreneurs Salon

Field Trip

*The registration will be available soon.

Boao Near-Zero Carbon Demonstration Zone

Mangrove Nature Reserve

Hainan Free Trade Port Key Industrial Parks

Haikou International Duty Free City

Attendance Analysis

Government &


National & international NGOs

Academia and


Finance & Investment Leaders

Business Decision-makers

Editors and Journalists

Impact Opportunities

Demonstrate net zero, nature positive leadership as a partner to China’s largest global climate and net-zero event

Promote energy, carbon and climate technology solutions to buyers and investors

Discover the latest decarbonisation and climate adaptation technologies to drive your net zero transformation

Engage with clients and meet new partners from industry and government to create new opportunities and accelerate action together

More diverse interactive scenarios, meet new partners from different industries and governments, and jointly create solutions with more market value

Build profile and engagement at the front of the worldwide climate action



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